Connected Leadership: How to Engage Teams & Thrive In the “New Normal”
Existence as we have known it in America has experienced a transformation due to Covid-19. It’s been an adjustment, to say the least. For some, our lives have been turned upside down both personally and professionally. Likewise, workgroups are being reimagined in real-time and are still tasked with trying to remain productive.
For over 25 years, I’ve observed people in the workplace. As a coach and mentor, I have first-hand insights into the process of career transitions. Often, this includes reframing how career satisfaction is defined for the individual.
That was then. Some of us have been able to weather the storm with our jobs intact. But the landscape is vastly different from when we left it. On-site teams have given way to virtual teams. Yet all teams still need to connect. Let’s figure this out. Inside this book, you will be introduced to:
• The Heart & Soul (& Brains) of Teams
• Team Dynamics in a New Normal
• Inclusivity Creates Agility
This guidebook is going to focus on basic aspects of teams facing a new normal. But, it will focus on the people who make up the teams. Far too often change management short-changes the people aspect of the transition from one way of being to another. This guidebook takes people and their reactions to change, and their needs during change, into consideration first, not as a distant afterthought.
Connected Leadership
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