This month I am so grateful to have had as my guests on Real Conversations from the C-Suite, Jason Eisner and Neil Pretty, co-founders of Aristotle Performance. We first explored the role of psychological safety and mental wellness in creating environments where people can thrive, both at home and in the workplace.
Then we looked ahead to Psych Safety Day 2024, featuring keynote speaker Dr. Amy Edmondson, author of The Right Kind of Wrong, whose work helps us reimagine failure and growth in psychologically safe spaces.
Finally, we reflected on what we can be thankful for in terms of what we know about psych safety, especially as it plays into navigating potentially tense election conversations at the dinner table—turning them into moments of understanding rather than conflict.
If you haven’t yet heard this special series, please tune in by clicking here: https://www.doctoranita.com/podcast and then, selecting the November 7th, 16th, and 23rd episodes.