Speaking of what’s next, I’m continuing to delve more deeply into the subject of Leading Diversity & Inclusion work and what’s your why NOT?
It’s been said that to do the same thing and expect different results is pretty foolish. And yet, when it comes to Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging work, too often organizations are doing the same things – that fail to have a lasting impact – and wonder why the results they seek aren’t achieved, or if they are achieved, why those results aren’t sustainable.
It requires us to ponder and grapple with the overarching question being, what’s our organizational why not? This invites us to ask other questions that impact the authenticity and sustainability of Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging work. Questions like:
Who isn’t leading authentically? What aren’t we willing to address? When are we failing to call out limiting belief systems? Where are we looking the other way when bias leads to injustice? Why aren’t we doing the real work as individuals who may also happen to lead others? How do we make a noticeable difference every day in small ways that have huge impacts?